Monday, January 26, 2009

My Pattern.

Its easy to see patterns, consistencies, and recurrences, when they don't involve ourselves.

There are a lot of patterns in my life that reoccur, to name a few:

-My inability to say "NO" to people.
-My need, to be needed.
-My lack of self motivation
-My need to avoid conflict (my own conflicts)
-My need to fix conflict (other people's conflicts)
Just to name a few.

I can name these few only because at some point in time, they were shoved into my face. These patterns, reoccurred, and I did something regretful. Now, there are countless other patterns in my life that I don't see (yet) or am too conceited to see, but sure enough, they will surface.

Recognizing these patterns, and changing them, can help us better ourselves. But it sure is hard.

1 comment:

hsells08 said...

You wrote this on my birthday. I happened across your site today and I noticed that you had a blog. I was bored so I figured, it wouldn't hurt to read something. I am completely and utterly amazed. I'm not a writer by far, but I read just this first post, and you couldn't know, but that is me. I audibly gasped. No one else understands that its possible for decent people to have such strong patterns and have difficulty breaking habits like that. After this, I couldn't stop reading. I was completely mesmerized and still can't believe someone can write with such passion, but still make it easily understood to those of us who don't have such wonderful ability. This might seem strange or odd to you, but I just wanted to say that I think you have a fantastic mind, and I wish I knew someone like you personally, because I feel as if I have so much to say and I love to listen. I'm actually surprised that I had the guts to post this... but I'm enthralled. I would love to read another post if you decide to write again.