Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday - Wal Mart

Today was the beginning of my stay here in Wauseon. I arrived Saturday afternoon, where I spent time with my buddy Neuy and Montana, and Sunday was busy participating with Church stuff. However, I digress to what you all want to hear about; my daily taste of Wauseon culture.

Tonight my good friend Brett joined me in my weekly adventure to the glowing white light in the city of Wauseon; Our very own Wal Mart.

To provide proper context, the vast majority of the citizens of Wauseon are okay with Wal Mart. You won't see protesters outside, you don't see very many "Shop at Wal Mart, China Needs Money" bumper stickers or "Wal*Ocaust" images. Before the city of Wauseon had a Wal Mart, they had a K-Mart. So the arrival of a Wal Mart was exciting for the city because it was like getting a K-Mart 6.0. People like Wal Mart, and Wal Mart likes them back. So it was unanimous that me my loyal companion, Brett Wyse, visit this wonderful place.

The visit to the Wal Mart was glorious needless to say. Aisles and aisles of products as far as the eye can see. We proceeded to the electronics section to discover a $20 blu-ray two pack of "Roadhouse" and "Point Break". At that moment, the Wal Mart tempted me immensely to purchase the double disc of Swayze goodness, despite the fact that I do not own a blu-ray player. The Wal Mart knew my thoughts, but I resisted.

My companion and I then proceeded to the Food section of the Wal Mart. We entered the cookies/snack section, when the tempting of the Wal Mart resumed. This time, I was tempted by none other than Double Stuf Oreos. I tried to fight the pull of Wal Mart, but I gave in. My spirit was willing, but my stomach was weak. And obviously once I had succumbed to buying Oreos, I then had to purchase milk to dip the Oreos. My companion also fell victim to the power of Wal Mart upon the sight of an industrial sized container of JIF, and $5 Indian War DVD. We went to the self check out, where I had to teach Brett how to use the new mystical device, and we departed.

We went back to my house, where I ate an entire sleeve of double stuf Oreos, from which intense self loathing ensued. We then proceeded to watch the Indian War documentary. What a night.

Me, and My Traveling Companion Brett

yes...the whole sleeve.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lesson of the Week - Welcome Home

Today my grades were posted from this quarter of school, I passed my classes, and am officially graduating college in the next few days. I have not been consistently writing in this blog because of the demands of work and school, but now that I am done with school, I am hoping to a make this at least a weekly to bi-weekly blog. However as you may see from the banner, I am starting a new blog concept.

The "Lesson of the Week" writings were there to offer structure to my blogging, but mostly the were there to show progress in my life at college and in Columbus Ohio. However, I am now moving back to my hometown of Wauseon for a new chapter of my life.

Thus, I want to start writing about being a newly graduated college student living in a small town, looking for a job, and enjoying the local entertainment that I remember fondly as a kid. That is what "Travis Writes" will be writing on next. They will be writings of excitement, boredom, sarcasm, loneliness, fun, all of the emotions that come with a life change.

I am looking foreword to see what is skimmed from my brain and plastered into this blog. It will be a journey, I hope you'll join me.
