Friday, August 28, 2009


I slacked off for a week and now I have to write two blogs before August 31st to keep up with my summer resolution.

Well summer is winding down, only 3.5 more weeks and were back in the swing of things at Ohio State. However, between now and then there are a lot of things to happen, to finish, and to do.

1.) To finish - I have to finish my current internship at the student union. This will look like it
has for most of the summer, except when it's finished I'm back to my manual
labor job at the student union.

2.) To Happen 1 - I have the chance to play in a competition in Nashville with Peti Banfe, a
local Columbus artist. Were playing on September 19th, and I'm excited to
spend the weekend in Nashville.

To Happen 2 - There is always one time of the year that puts a smile on my face, The
Fulton County Fair. This is like a family reunion, I get to see people that I
never get to see at any other time. I always look foreword to seeing friends
from years ago.

3.) To do - I graduate in mid March of 2010 which is mere months away. I have to figure out
what I'm going to do after I graduate, it's nerve wrecking, but God has given me some
very good options, it's just a matter of which is the right one.

Well see how these events shape up in the next few weeks.

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